Classical Herbal Pairs in Western Herbalism
Paul Bergner 2018
90 Minutes 1.5 CEU credit
The power of herbs in combinations or two or three may extend exponentially beyond that of their use as simples. Herbal pairing, a foundational study in Traditional Chinese medicine, is also documented in the histories of Physiomedical and Eclectic medicines in North America and Great Britain. It can be said “You don't really know a person or their potential until you know the company they keep” and the same can be said of herbal remedies. We will discuss some powerful herbal pairs from North American herbal history as well as from contemporary practice. Herbs covered will include Matricaria, Curcuma, Echinacea, Scutellaria, Hypericum, Piscidia, Eschscholtzia, Viburnum, Eupatorium, Calendula, and Althaea.
The audio lecture
Lecture slides
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This lecture is offered as Continuing Education by the NAIMH, but has not been pre-approved for CE credits by any professional board.