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Nutrition in the Herbal Paradigm lecture

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Nutrition in the Herbal Paradigm

Paul Bergner 2019

2 hours 2.0 CEU

Herbalists view their therapeutic agents in the paradigm of humoral and clinical actions, and therapeutic uses. In the long traditions of medical herbalism, dietetics and nutrition have been essential elements of a therapeutic plan, and individual macro and micronutrients may also be viewed as possessing actions identical to those of medicinal plants, such as tonic, adaptogenic, antispasmodic, immunomodulating, anti-inflammatory and so on. In many cases giving herbs with such actions without simultaneously replenishing the nutrient factors that support normal functions simply temporarily masks a deficiency. We will discuss macronutrients, vitamins, minerals and other special nutrients in terms of what their actions would be if they were plants.


  • The audio lecture

  • Lecture slides

  • Healing Power of Minerals and Trace Elements by Paul Bergner

  • Nine supplemental intake forms and journal articles.

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This lecture is offered as Continuing Education by the NAIMH, but has not been pre-approved for CE credits by any professional board.