The Bitter Mints
Paul Bergner 2011
90 minutes 1.5 hours CEU
A group of our Materia Medica combines the therapeutic effects of the bitters with the relaxant and diffusive effects of the mints. Most of these also affect the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. We describe the category, general indications, and then the specific patterns and uses of Leonurus cardiaca Motherwort, Lycopus virginicus Bugle weed, Marrubium vulgare Horehound, Scutellaria lateriflora Scullcap as examples of this category. These four herbs are often pigeonholed for specific uses, Leonurus for the heart or womb, Lycopus for the Thyroid, Marrubium for the lungs, when in fact all the herbs in the category have some overlapping effects on each of these systems.
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