The Vitalist Actions of Herbs
Paul Bergner 2005
90 Minutes 1.5 CEU credits
The organism is a “vital ecology” with variable expressions of life in the tissues and in the organism as a whole. In addition to our traditional clinical actions of herbs, such as diaphoretic, emmenagogue, or expectorant, herbs may also affect this vital ecology by eliciting an increase in vital expression (stimulation), increasing the tone or tension in a tissue or the larger organism (tonic/astringent), or inducing a relaxation of resistance to the vital flow (relaxant). These three actions (Stimulant – Tonic - Relaxant) are the basis for vitalist herbalism in the Physiomedicalist tradition of North America, the U.K. Australia, and New Zealand. We describe these actions and groups of herbs that possess them in this lecture
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