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Vitalist Treatment of Acute symptoms Album 2

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This is Album 2 of a 2-album Audio-set that accompanies a Distance Learning course on natural therapeutics for acute symptoms. 

A full description of this course can be seen at the Institute site at 

This product is delivered as a digital Download 

Album 1 of the set is also available for Digital Download. See  Album I only

You may purchase the digital downloads individually,  but assignments and exams for both these albums must be completed for course credit. 

For faculty support, graded assignments, and a certificate, additional fees and tuition are required. You can see the details at

To enroll in the course, first purchase the CD-set, and then mail in the enclosed enrollment form when you are ready to begin.

Album 2

Data Disk  Notes, slides, and supplemental readings

Pain 2 disks

Catarrh, Mucous membranes 1 disk

Cough, Sore throat 2 disks

Allergies 1 disk

Eyes, Ears 1 disk

Fever 2 disks

Colds, Influenza 1 disk

Urinary tract 2 disks

Menses 2 disks

Pregnancy, Breast health 1 disk