This bundle includes all course materials for our Western Clinical Herbalism Certificate, discounted 20% from the normal cost for a digital download. You can see a complete description of the Certificate here.
These products will be delivered with audio files in MP3/Flash drive format, with all supporting materials.
- This material is the equivalent of more than 80 Audio and Data CDs.
- Notes, Slides, resources, references, a Study Guide, and CE questions accompany each course
IMPORTANT: You may purchase these materials for self-study without enrolling. Additional Tuition is required for faculty support and certification. See details on the individual courses or here.
Infectious Disease I: Viral Infections
Infectious Disease II: Bateria, Biofilms, and Chronic Infection
Detoxification, Alteratives, and the Liver
Systemic Inflammation, Food Intolerance, and Autoimmunity
Fatigue: Pathophysiology, Natural Therapeutics, and Adaptogens
Insulin Resistance: Pathophysiology and Natural Therapeutics
Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism II: Obesity, Metabolism,and Ethics in Weight Loss